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Mission, Vision & Values


Grace River Chapel exist to love God, love people, and make disciples of Christ.


Grace River Chapel will be a place of belonging where people encounter Jesus, experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit, serve one another, and are equipped to carry out the Great Commission to make disciples in our homes, community, and all the world.

core values


We will direct all praise, honor, and glory to Jesus Christ so that He may be glorified above all else.

biblical authority

We will uncompromisingly teach and live by the Bible as our sole authority and rule of faith.

persistent prayer

We will be people of prayer who passionately seek the heart of God, yearning to know Him more and to live in His presence.

servant leadership

We will reproduce servant leaders who are committed to ministering to others, guided by the belief in the priesthood of all believers.

authentic community

We will be a spiritual family who actively participate in the life of the church, value authentic relationships, hold one another accountable, and share in one another’s joy and sorrow.

extravagant hospitality

We will be welcoming, friendly, and generous to every person we encounter.

missional living

We will embrace the attitude, thinking, and practices of a missionary in order to reach others with the message of the Gospel.

relational evangelism

We will be committed to reaching the lost starting with the relationships we already have with family, friends, and colleagues.

spiritual gifts

We will desire and value the spiritual gifts God has given His church and provide an environment for the cultivation and use of each person’s individual gift for building up of the church.

focused excellence

We will reject mediocrity and do all things, big or small, with the degree of diligence and excellence that is worthy of the cause of Christ.