Our desire at Grace River Chapel Kids Ministry is to help children learn about God in age-appropriate settings. We also want to help your family with simple resources for you to grow in the gospel together. Ultimately, the gospel message changes everything; heart transformation can only take place when a child experiences the gospel. Kids and preschoolers will understand the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story—God’s story of redemption.
Our Purpose
- Know: We want your child to know Jesus as their personal Savior
- Grow: We want your child to grow in God’s word, both in understanding and experience
- Share: We want your child to share what they know about the Lord with others
We have classes for children of younger ages during our Sunday service and Wednesday night service. On Sunday the children participate in the worship time and are then dismissed to attend their classes. On Wednesday evening the children go straight to their classes while parents are in the main service.
Nursery: Birth-2 years old
Along with caring for your little ones on Sunday and Wednesday evening we provide a gospel rich environment for helping you teach your young ones about the love of Christ. Simple bible lessons with big truths will be lovingly shared in class.
GR Kids Classes: Ages 3-4, 5-9
Kids in these classes will be using The Gospel Project to take them on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture. Kids will discover how the gospel unfolds from Genesis through Revelation. When kids truly experience the gospel, their hearts are transformed. It is the gospel, not good behavior, that changes everything.
The Children’s Ministry of Grace River Church exists to glorify God through evangelizing children, encouraging parents, and edifying servants so that the gospel may be spread among our children, families may be supported, and the church may be strengthened.