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What to Expect

Visiting a new church can sometimes be an intimidating experience, especially if you don’t know anyone or don’t usually attend church, but rest assured that at Grace River Chapel you will not be treated as a visitor but as our guest! 

What are your services like? 

At Grace River Chapel we deeply value and seek the presence of God. We endeavor to cultivate an environment that encourages everyone to freely worship and praise the Lord. In contemporary style, we worship with both new and old songs whose lyrics reflect our reverence to an awesome
and holy God.

We honor the authority and power of God’s Word, and as such our messages are Bible-based and expository, intended to make God’s truth a reality in your life.

We pray that you leave refreshed after having experienced the power and love of God’s presence!

Do you have a midweek gathering?

Yes! Our Wednesday evening gatherings at 6:30 are centered around discipleship-based teaching and training. The setting is a more casual and intimate environment that caters to open discussion and encouragement to one another.

What should I wear?

At Grace River Chapel you will see jeans, t-shirts, khakis, dresses, suits, and skirts. God is concerned with principles of modesty in dress rather than a dress code.  

What about my kids?

We are extremely passionate about reaching children for Christ, and this is reflected in our kids, preteen, and youth ministries which serves newborns all the way to high school.

Childcare for ages up to 2 is provided in our nursery. Our Grace River Kids ministry serves ages 3 to 9. They experience engaging age-appropriate teaching, music, and activities all developed to point your child toward a daily relationship with Christ. Our preteen & youth gatherings are on Wednesday evenings where they fellowship with one another and are ministered to.

Our kid’s ministry is staffed by devoted and gifted volunteers who will be there week after week to care for and love on your child. 

Why do the kids worship with the adults?

We include all of the children because we believe it is important to worship as a family and to expose our children to the presence of the Lord. After the singing, the children are dismissed to Grace River Kids where they receive exceptional care and teaching. 

When are your service times?

Sunday service is at 2:00 pm and Wednesday Bible Study is at 6:30 pm. 

What denomination is your church affiliated with?

Grace River Chapel is an independent, non-denominational church.