We are a church that has a desperate need for Jesus because we know that we are nothing without Him. James 4:6 says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Just as a river always flows to the lowest place, so does God’s grace flow down to the humble, those who acknowledge they have no strength and ability in themselves. And it is in this place of recognized inadequacy and weakness that the enabling power and might of the Holy Spirit will strengthen, uphold and use us.
Our greatest calling is to unashamedly exalt the name of Jesus Christ as the only hope for lost and sinful humanity. We regard the proclamation of Biblical truth as a mighty responsibility and privilege. We love people. Our steeple casts no shadow on the broken, bound and defeated, but our arms are open wide to welcome and minister the gospel, with love, to those who need the saving power of God’s grace.
Grace River Chapel is a church made up of real people who face real challenges in their lives. We strive to be people who are sincere and open about our victories and struggles so that the body of Christ can freely rejoice with and minister the abundant grace of God to one another.
We yearn to be a group of Spirit-filled believers who walk in the fullness God has prepared for us so that we can make a difference in Beaumont, Southeast Texas and throughout the world. Our heart’s prayer is that Grace River Chapel would be a thriving church prevailing as a shining city on a hill, glorifying Jesus and beckoning sinners to the Cross.